On 09/09/2016 09:53 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Furthermore, we're talking about upstream test behavior here, and I don't
> think this argument passes the sniff test for conversations with upstream.
> We already have enough issues with upstream over licensing, where we've
> decided that our very aggressive stance is worth the effort.  Please let's
> not pick fights that *aren't* worth the effort and will cause upstream to
> look at us like we're paranoid nit-pickers.  This sort of thing is really
> bad for cooperation with other projects.

I very much agree here. I've had hard time convincing some upstream that
these minified JS were non-free. Now, if I have to tell them how to
write their unit test, they will just tell me to not run them...


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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