On Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 06:13:30PM +0200, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:

> Debian's resources are not infinite.  Please `touch .nobackup` in a
> directory containining unimportant / trivial to regenerate content. The
> backup software will exclude from back up the files and subdirectories
> of any directory containing such a file.


Thanks for your DSA work, I'm very grateful and I'd like to help with
reducing backup pressure as much as I can.

I'd like to have a look at what I have scattered around and see where to
add .nobackup files, and I have no idea where I might have data that is
being backed up.

Would it be possible to generate a report of where is (and how much is)
stuff that I own in all bits of filesystem that are being backed up?


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