On Mon, 2016-10-31 at 12:17 +0100, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> 2016-10-31 10:38 GMT+01:00 Ian Campbell <i...@debian.org>:
> > If possible I'd also prefer a solution which fixed qcontrol-static
> > without opting out for the normal dynamic/non-udeb binary.
> I ran the build tests on amd64, this is why I have not caught this error.
> A rebuild of lua5.1 should fix the problem.
> Dpkg changes are on their way, too in the next days. I would ask
> for a binNMU after dpkg is updated.

Thanks, to check I understand: I should wait for #835146 to be fixed in
sid (which is expected to happen via a dpkg upload in the next days)
and then ask for a binNMU of lua5.1 then qcontrol (or maybe I have
reason to upload a newer qcontrol anyway, we'll see)?


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