On 04/11/16 10:53, Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:

> As I requested a few days ago, please delay making OpenSSL 1.1.0 the
> default for 1 year (and even then, we should be checking the case
> where something links directly to one version of OpenSSL, and also
> links to something that dlopen's some other version of OpenSSL).

I also agree with this. One of my (team maintained) packages uses
OpenSSL and upstream are working on support for the new version but they
say it will be a while before it's ready for release.

I don't know why this is being pushed so fast. It might be ready and the
maintainer might want it in the next Debian stable release but it seems
that most of the application users of OpenSSL are not ready for it and
*their* releases won't make the Debian release freeze deadline.


Colin Tuckley    | +44(0)1223 830814 |  PGP/GnuPG Key Id
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