On Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 04:15:58PM +0100, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
>  In theory I'm all for it, but there definitely should be some more fine
> tuning for that.  Please don't auto-restart varnish by needrestart, it
> puts a lot of load on the backend which might be a very bad idea.  And
> the downtime that a mysql upgrade brings along is kinda annoying.
>  And: cluster setups might be a real pain here.  If you restart the
> cluster software at the same time you potentially run into split brain
> issues.
>  So: BIG yeah for single-user non-critical systems, big nay and
> headaches for production nodes. 

Any reasonably well managed production host is going to be driven by
some kind of configuration management system and the admin can override
the default. They'll undoubtedly be overriding several defaults already.

Overriding the default (or simply purging unattended-upgrades) is a
trivial step in such an environment. And if for some reason it's not
trivial, then I think this is another case for wanting the service
enabled by default.


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