Am 07.11.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Felipe Sateler:
> On Thu, 03 Nov 2016 18:47:28 +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> To solve the issue and provide security updates by default, I'm
>> proposing that we should switch to installing unattended-upgrades by
>> default (and enabling it too) *unless* something else in the
>> installation is already expected to deal with security updates.
>> Thoughts?
> Is there a way to mark network connections as "expensive", and thus u-a 
> does nothing if only connected via that?
> It would be very annoying to have packages automatically downloaded when 
> tethering my phone connection.

NetworkManager (since 1.0.6) exposes the information whether a
connection is metered.


This can be set explicitly by the user, e.g. for a WiFi connection.

Maybe u-a could query that information?

That said, I read Steve's proposal to install u-a only for cloud-images.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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