Ian Jackson:
> We are running a multitude of services.
> [...]
> Should we not have public test instances of all these things ?
> [...]
> My starting points for answers to these questions are something like
> this:
>  [...]
> If we wrote some of this down then infrastructure operators (like me,
> wrt the dgit git server) can start to think about implement it.  I
> think it will be work at first but make a lot of things easier.
> Ian.

Hi Ian,

I would love to see something like this happen.

I am happy to setup a lintian and a britney for the test infrastructure
(provided a server to do this).  For both cases, we can set them up
using the main archive as source until there is an test archive[1] (ftp
+ wanna-build).

To be honest, I suspect we can bootstrap a test instance of most
services very easily that way and then re-configure them as their
integrations get their test instance ready.

As an additional plus, we can use the test infrastructure as DSA's play
ground for testing their upgrades to the next stable release!  Can we
have all this before 5th of Feb please? ;)


[1] Obviously, the test Britney should discard its results rather than
feeding them to the production instance of DAK.  But that is a rather
small part and in some glue code rather in Britney itself.

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