
On 29.11.2016 17:58, Svante Signell wrote:

> After upgrading to sid the conffiles don't seem to be installed any longer?
> Examples are bash, passwd, basefiles and libpam-runtime. Especially trhe last
> one cost me a day debugging to find out why logins crashed. What is causing
> this, do I have some settings disabling conffiles? Or is this all due to the
> merge of /usr? If so, how to revert that change until it is stable!

The usual rule applies: if dpkg thinks the conffile has been
deliberately deleted, it will not install a new version on top. The
question is how that happened.

It would be great if you could archive /var/lib/dpkg prior to repairing
your system, so in case the dpkg maintainers want to look at it, they at
least have half a chance of getting to the root of the problem.

To force reinstallation of configuration files, invoke dpkg with the
"--force-confmiss" option when installing. This will only restore
missing configuration files, but not overwrite changed ones. If some
configuration files were damaged, you can use "--force-confnew" to
unpack all configuration files; your old files can be found with a
".dpkg-old" suffix then.


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