
During the last week or two I've spent some time looking through the
packages with RC bugs, mostly those that are removed from testing, have
popcon 100+ and don't have recent activity on the bug report. I skipped
bugs like "depends on obsolete piece of software" or "crashes in some
circumstances", most of the bugs were FTBFSes caused by obsolete packaging
or incompatibilities of the old code with the current environment.

Unsurprisingly, most of these packages didn't have a maintainer upload
since e.g. 2012 and have the RC bug open for last 3+ months. Some of them
have some team in the Maintainer header, some have people in Uploaders who
never made an upload. Some of them had 3 NMUs in last 3 years.

* So, the first question is: should I spend my time on getting these
packages back to testing so they would be a part of the next release? Or
should I spend my time on other RC bugs fixing which will help release
stretch faster?

Next, I contacted all maintainers or such packages, telling them that
their package X had its last maintaner upload on X and has an RC bug #X
since X, asking them to orphan the package if they are not interested in
it anymore and to also orphan other their packages they are not interested
in. I've sent about 30 emails in last 6 days. I've got 9 immediate
answers. 3 were "should be orphaned". 2 were "I will try to fix this". 1
was "I will fix the package" but about a different package. 1 was "should
be orphaned, though we don't have a standard method to orphan team
packages". 1 was "I will move to a team" and I answered "a package needs a
human maintainer". 1 was "why are you asking me, I am only an uploader,
the package is team maintained" even though that person was the only
actual uploader (since 2002 till 2012). I've sent the list of my pings to
the MIA team.

* So: is it a real problem that there are packages that should be marked
as orphaned but they aren't? Should we spend any effort on marking more
orphaned packages? If yes, how should we do that?

* Also: what should we do with packages that are marked as team-maintained
but are really orphaned?

When fixing the RC bugs I always looked through other bugs in the same
package and applied trivial patches to the packaging. I've added
debian/source/format where it was missing. In some cases I've completely
replaced the packaging with 4-line d/rules. In at least two cases I fixed
empty -dbgsym packages.

* So, the final question: how much time should pass since the last
maintainer upload (since removal from testing, since the first still
unfixed RC bug, how many NMUs should exist since the last maintainer
upload) to be able to just do a QA upload (without changing the Maintainer
field as it's prohibited on the https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MIA page)
instead of finely-crafting minimal diffs and fixing only things allowed by
devref 5.11.1?


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