Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Andreas Bombe <>

* Package name    : muparserx
  Version         : 4.0.7
  Upstream Author : Ingo Berg <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-2-clause
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : mathematical expression parser library

  The evaluation of a mathematical expression is a standard task
  required in many applications. It can be solved by either using a
  standard math expression parser such as muparser or by embedding a
  scripting language such as Lua. There are however some limitations:
  Although muparser is pretty fast it will only work with scalar values
  and although Lua is very flexible it does neither support binary
  operators for arrays nor complex numbers. So if you need a math
  expression parser with support for arrays, matrices and strings
  muparserx may be able to help you. It was originally based on the
  original muparser engine but has since evolved into a standalone
  project with a completely new parsing engine.

I am packaging this because it is the dependency of pothos, which I will
also package.

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