Thorsten Alteholz writes ("Re: Thanks to ftpmasters for being so responsive"):
> On Mon, 26 Dec 2016, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> > This was problematic for me. (upstream) Development doesn't stop when
> > then next stable freeze.
> If everybody agrees that
>   - new versions of packages shall be only uploaded to experimental
>   - uploads to testing will only be done on request of the RT or with
>     really new packages
>   - everything else can be rejected
> processing would be much easier and the fun could go on.

Certainly I wouldn't upload an update to sid that I didn't intend for
what-is-currently-testing, even during the deep freeze.

And obviously any upload to sid, intended for testing, would only make
sense if I expected it to migrate, according to whatever applicable
freeze policies.  During the deep freeze that would often involve
release@ approval.  (An obvious exception is that I wouldn't usually
seek release@ preapproval for a properly minimal RC bugfix upload,
whether NMU or otherwise, but that's not what we're talking about


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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