On 2016-12-27 09:15 +0100, Andrew Shadura wrote:
> While I can certainly agree parsing net-tools output isn't a good idea, please
> stop suggesting we should remove the package from Debian. It is still useful
> and many people myself included use it.

Right, I use it most days. For those of us of a certain vintage this
is the networking tool we know. The chap who gave a talk at the UK
miniconf about updated functionality in /etc/network/interfaces and
ifconfig and friends got rapturous applause, so I'm not the only one
that finds this useful.

If we are supposed to change to something newer these days, a pointer
to a 'conversion' document would be nice. I am (vaguely) aware of
something caled 'ip' which does a similar job but have no idea how to
use it.

Like Andrew I don't like the tone of these 'get rid of this crap'
messages. It may not be your tool of choice, but it is some people's
(probbly quite a lot of people still) and I'm very happy that it's
there by default as networking-furtling is something one is often
doing on a bare system. If there is a desire to change the default
package I'd like to see a little more discussion about that.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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