On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 10:30:26AM -0500, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> OK, you can remove the last half, but keep in mind there are plenty of
> people who aren't using the exotic features provided by iproute2, and
> are very happy using the more convenient and shorter BSD-style
> commands.  If you're going to remove it _becase_, the least you can do
> is to make the transition a bit more gentle.

For stretch+1, what I'd like to see is a tool that a) works b) has
output that's nice for a human to read and c) has output that can be
easily processed by programs. None of the current tools comes anywhere
near. Bonus points if the command line syntax is reasonbly nice, and
the manpage doesn't start with a BNF syntax description.

Of, you know, I can continue to mostly ignore things since I'm in the
vast majority that doesn't do or need complicated network setups.

I want to build worthwhile things that might last. --joeyh

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