On Monday, January 16, 2017 12:09:02 PM Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2017, at 10:52 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> >This is going to take a lot of work.  I see random failures routinely block
> >migrations in Ubuntu (postfix is a current example - there's two alleged
> >regressions that to the extent they are valid are completely unrelated to
> >anything that changed in the package).
> >
> >The question is who's going to do the work?  I don't see the release team
> >having tons of spare cycles to dive into the details of individual test
> >results and package failures and decide what's RC and what's not.  The only
> >thing that scales to something the size of the Debian archive is to let the
> >maintainers decide.
> Speaking only about our experiences in Ubuntu, I can anecdotally but
> emphatically claim that gating promotions on passing autopkgtests has
> dramatically improved the quality of the running end user systems.
> It used to be that you had to be very careful about running and especially
> dist-upgrading the current devel series.  You never knew if something major
> like the kernel or X would break, or even when minor breakages would be
> highly inconvenient.  It just wasn't safe without a lot of precaution.
> But now I don't hesitate to run devel almost as soon as the new series
> opens. That's not to say that serious breakage never happens; not
> everything is tested of course, and stuff happens.  But it's rare, maybe
> once or twice a cycle for boot-to-desktop to break, or a package regression
> sneaks through.  I just have way way more confidence in the distro now that
> these tests block promotion.
> Yes, it can be more work at times, and it's not always easy to diagnose or
> reproduce promotion problems.  (I'm currently flummoxed by a systemd
> regression triggered by a network-manager fix.)  But I'd much rather have
> the luxury of debugging these problems on a still-functioning system and
> without also-frustrated users hammering me on IRC, with deadlines looming.
> I think it does mean that maintainers will have to step up and take more
> responsibility for nursing their packages through to promotion, but I also
> think they are in a much better position to do so than J Random User who
> runs an upgrade only to be left with a broken system or application.
> One other point.  I don't know how many folks run unstable (or in Ubuntu's
> case, devel), but for most software I work on, few users really test
> pre-release versions.  As much as you plead with them, "hey, beta 3 is out,
> please test!" they just won't for totally understandable reasons.  So
> problems arise *after* the final release because that's when people start
> to really hammer on it, and integrate it with their own software,
> environments, and workflows.  That means day-to-day user testing just can't
> be all that reliable because there are so few data points, and it's another
> reason why I think automated testing/CI is so important.  (It's also an
> investment over time; you don't have to have 100% coverage from day one,
> but every new test can improve overall quality just a little bit.)  It's
> also why I feel it's important for *me* to run unstable/devel.  True, it's
> my day job, but I also feel a responsibility to help ensure the little
> corner of stuff I use, care about, and know about is in as good a shape as
> possible before it gets into the hands of our users.  I *want* to feel the
> pain before they do.

The before/after comparison for Debian and Ubuntu is apples and oranges.  
Before Ubuntu had the auto package test migration there we nothing other than 
installability blocking migration, it had (and still doesn't AFAIK) any notion 
of blocking due to RC bugs.

Back to my experience with postfix: I don't recall the auto package test 
catching anything.  When I upload it broken to unstable (and via autosync to 
the Ubuntu devel release) people notice pretty much right away.

I'm sure it's generally helped, but so far, I've found it mostly a nuisance.  
If Debian started enforcing auto package test pass for Testing migration, the 
first thing I'd do is remove the postfix tests (it's never worked on Debian as 
far as I've noticed, despite intermittently working on Ubuntu, and I've no 
idea why).  Postfix doesn't have rdepends, so at least for that package, I can 
side step the problem.

Scott K

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