The Wanderer <> writes:

> In this case, either it's faked up to look as if it's coming from the
> person listed in the From: address but that person has actually never
> seen the message before it reaches us, or it was faked up when being
> sent _to_ that person (to appear as if it had come from the mailing
> list) and we don't even have the headers of the actual original spam.

That's my tentative conclusion also. There is a commonality to all these
“don't send me this spam” messages, that essentially combine a plausible
complaint top-posted on a quoted spam message.

I think the best explanation is that the entire message – complaint and
quoted part – were composed and sent by the spammer themselves.

 \       “The internet's completely over.… Anyway, all these computers |
  `\    and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with |
_o__)     numbers and that can't be good for you.” —Prince, 2010-07-05 |
Ben Finney

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