Recently, I have been packaging some libraries written in the D
programming language[1]. Since the D team didn't have many libraries
packaged, there was no policy on how to package libraries, so I
packaged them like C/C++ libraries: Make a shared lib package and have
the software requiring it depend on that.
Unfortunately though, the D language ABI isn't stable, so any future
compiler update might break the software in weird ways unless all D
software is recompiled when a new compiler is released.
To make things worse, D also has three different compilers (which
share the same frontend), the GNU D Compiler (GDC), LLVM D Compiler
(LDC) and the reference compiler Digital Mars D compiler (DMD).
All compilers have different advantages, but they also have
incompatible ABI, especially because each comes with a seperate
version of the D runtime and standard libraries.
So, if we ship a D package containing a shared library compiled with
LDC, there is a high chance that you can't use that with DMD or GDC.
Also, D makes excessive use of template programming, so quite a bit of
code gets embedded into the target executable even if you have shared

Looking at what other languages with the same problem have done, there
are basically two ways to deal with the issue:

 1) Rebuild every reverse-dependency of the languages' compiler every
time the compiler is updated. This is done by Haskell and OCaml and
resulted in permanent transition trackers for the libraries.

 2) Ship source code instead of libraries in packages, and compile it
directly into the target binaries. That way, the maintenance overhead
of the languages' packages is greatly reduced, but code is statically
linked (boo!) and a lot of code needs to be rebuilt for every
dependency (meaning more work for the autobuilders). This is done by
Go, and apparently also the plan to do for Rust.

The workflows for packaging we have in Debian are very tailored to
C/C++ packages. So I wonder, for new packages for a programming
language with no ABI stability guarantees, what is the best way to
package libraries?

Also more specifically: If we ship source-code, should the packages
shipping it also build the source code, or should we rely on the
dependencies to build the code and catch issues?
What about very large libraries, or ones which take long to compile?
Should those be always recompiled too, for every dependency, or should
there be exceptions for it?

In general, I am interested in whether we have a "best practices" for
this issue yet, and I would love to hear from people maintaining
Go/Rust/etc. stuff on what works and how this issue should be handled.


P.S: The D language authors are aware of the ABI issue, and apparently
there is even come level of compatibility between the GDC and LDC
compilers at least. D also has some rules for how it's ABI should
work, but apparently going the final steps is rather difficult and
given the template-centric nature of D, stabilizing the ABI doesn't
have the highest priority too (it apparently also is impractical in
some cases).
In ay case, ABI compatibility does sometimes work, but we can not rely
on it at all, especially not with multiple compilers.

[1]: https://dlang.org/

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