Fellow colleagues,

I am looking for a new maintainer for opendnssec and softhsm package.
Honestly, I am not using neither, and it's quite hard to do a packaging
when you don't use the packages in question, and I think the package
suffer as a consequence, and I very much dislike that, so a new
maintainer using the package and interested in improving the Debian
packages would be great.

Ondřej Surý <ond...@sury.org>
Knot DNS (https://www.knot-dns.cz/) – a high-performance DNS server
Knot Resolver (https://www.knot-resolver.cz/) – secure, privacy-aware,
fast DNS(SEC) resolver
Vše pro chleba (https://vseprochleba.cz) – Mouky ze mlýna a potřeby pro
pečení chleba všeho druhu

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