Le 17 août 2017 20:11:01 GMT+02:00, Joerg Jaspert <jo...@debian.org> a écrit :
>Hello Debian world,
>it has been quite a while since the last call for volunteers, so here
>an update: Yeah, we still need people, and we want you. Well, that is,
>if you are a Debian Developer, for this. If you are not and want to
>help, read the last paragraph please.
>Ever felt compelled to do the hard groundwork? Ever wanted to help at a
>nicely central place inside Debian? Or just want to write some Python
>code and still look for a good place to stick it in?
>Here we are. Come join the Nav^Wteam. Just sign over there to the
>or even easier, mail us. We won't bite you, thats for sure. At least
>right away. :)
>The criteria are the same as always: You need to be a DD (except for
>coding only, though it helps to know the usual flow of a package) and
>you need to be able to deal with the existing team members.
>An occasional flame should also not disturb you, if you are working in
>the NEW queue you will stand between the people uploading and the
>packages entering the archive, rejecting something is not always liked
>much. (But you often get positive replies and thanks, to keep your
>spirits up :) ).
>And - if you get headaches when reading legal texts - we all do. But it
>is needed and things like NEW are mainly about that, the ftpteam is
>*the* one place to decide if something is ok for Debian to distribute
>not, and you will have to take this decision. (Yes, there is more, but
>this is the main point you are going to check).
>Obviously the other points we made in earlier mails, like [1], still
>apply too.
>Another good way helping the ftpteam is - by not joining us! Yvan eht
>Nioj! (Or for people not watching Simpsons: Join the Navy!)
>Err, no, of course not, but: Join the QA team!
>There is a lot of work commonly associated to the QA group but not many
>people doing it. You could help out there, which in turn will help us

On the qa front, with m'y lintian hat I could help you to do autoreject (thus 
decreasing  tour work) but i need bug report on your side. Or even a mail. We 
want to reject some license some stuff will help.


>[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2010/03/msg00003.html
>Stay tuned for more news coming from the team soon.

Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma brièveté.

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