On December 23, 2017 2:20:43 PM EST, Marc Haber <mh+debian-de...@zugschlus.de> 
>On Fri, 22 Dec 2017 08:51:37 -0500, Scott Kitterman
><deb...@kitterman.com> wrote:
>>Marc, I don't want you to take this as me beating up on you, because
>>not my intent, but I find your tone frustrating.  The FTP Team is not
>a closed 
>>cabal.  There are regular calls for volunteers (there is a new set of
>>Trainees learning about the job right now), so anyone who's willing
>and able 
>>to do the work is welcome to help.  I find demands on my time from
>those who 
>>aren't frustrating.
>Yes, that's a repeating pattern as well. Those who do the work do have
>the right to decide how they do the work, but having power delegated
>from the project comes with some obligations.
>I find that communicating with the project is part of those
>I do apologize that my frustration with the lack of communication
>frequently results in communication beginning, finding its climax in
>communication about frustration caused by my frustration, and then
>swiftly ending again.
>I usually try minimizing my interactions with those people who are
>part of these cycles of frustration in the project, minimizing my
>frustration as well, but once in a while I fail to keep my mouth shut.

I understand.  I'm not saying your frustrations are unreasonable.  They aren't.

As much as people find writing debian/copyright, imagine the pain associated 
with checking it.  Personally, I don't want it to be any harder than it has to 
be.  I'm currently canvasing other members of the FTP Team to understand what 
everyone thinks is correct.  This isn't the ideal time of year to do it, so I 
make no promises on schedule, but I do hope to be able to have a coordinated 
response to the points brought up in this thread.

Scott K

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