On Thu, 01 Feb 2018 at 08:50:05 +0100, Andrej Shadura wrote:
> > I don't think you'll get much sympathy for a package being removed
> > from unstable when it hasn't shipped with a Debian release since
> > Wheezy, and has continuously been out of Testing for 3.5 years.
> True, it hasn't. But if you look a little bit closer, you'll see both RC
> bugs it had were quite trivial to fix

I'm sure they are - *many* RC bugs are trivial to fix. That doesn't
necessarily make them the best use of our limiting resource: volunteer
time/attention/motivation. If I could spend an hour fixing trivial RC
bugs in undermaintained packages with few users (and trying to work out
how to smoke-test the result to make sure I'm not uploading something
fundamentally broken, which is usually the more time-consuming part),
or alternatively I could spend 10 minutes proposing their removal
and spend the rest of the hour fixing non-RC bugs in widely-relied-on
packages like dbus or GNOME, I suspect the latter is going to have a
larger impact on the quality of Debian.

If you disagree (different people have different priorities), there are
plenty of unmaintained or undermaintained packages you could pick up.


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