Paul Wise <> writes:

> I think the discussion we are having here is orthogonal to
> containers/flatpaks.

> If Debian were to have a repository of containers/flatpaks, then it
> should meet Debian standards. We cannot just say "here are some
> containers, completely unsupported and might not up to our standards".
> To achieve that, I think it would be best to automatically convert it
> from Debian binary packages. Also, since we are already doing packaging
> work, it makes sense to base any container efforts on that, just like
> our cloud efforts have been.

I agree with this.

Putting aside completely missing licenses or completely missing source
code (these are sometimes more fixable problems, since those are
considered suspect practices even in the upstream communities), the root
problem here is vendored dependencies.  Most modern languages, not just
Java and Node, are switching to vendored dependencies with some mechanism
for freezing the dependencies for a project.  See Rust, Go, and
increasingly, Python and Ruby, and I would expect to see the same for any
new, popular programming language.

For better or worse, there's a general consensus upstream of us in a lot
of language communities that API backward compatibility and continuous
upgrades are simply too hard, and breaking changes (ideally with semver)
plus freezing and vendoring dependencies are the best solution.  We can
certainly disagree with this, but this approach has a ton of momentum
behind it, and we're swimming upstream right now.  We convince some folks,
but not many, and the Node ecosystem in particular is so firmly committed
to this approach that it's hard to imagine them backing away from it.

So, where does that leave us?

The reason why Debian in general doesn't like to support vendored source
is because of the security implications: when there's a security
vulnerability in one of the vendored libraries, updating the relevant
packages becomes a nightmare.  It's a logistical challenge even if the
vendored source can be safely upgraded, but of course it usually can't
since that's the whole point of vendoring the source.  So we would be
faced with backporting security fixes to every vendored version of the
package, and we don't have the resources to do this.

Note that this is not a *Debian* problem, this is an *ecosystem* problem.
No one *else* has the resources to do this either, and generally what
happens out there in the world is that this is just not done.  Those
applications blithely continue running with vulnerable versions of their
dependencies, and aren't updated.

I think it's important to note here that we're not wrong.  Our approach is
substantially more secure because we can patch software.  Vendoring
everything is substantially less secure since you're relying on the
application developer to re-vendor fixed versions, and they may not even
know there was a vulnerability.  (High-quality vulnerability feeds for a
lot of these ecosystems are very hard to come by.)  It's not that someone
else is succeeding where we're failing; it's that lots of other people
have decided to just blow off security in the name of convenience and hope
they don't get bitten by this.

Using flatpak therefore doesn't really change the equation.  It *does*
provide some jailing by default, which can protect some against a certain
type of vulnerabilities (and which we could provide in other ways as well;
flatpak just makes it easier).  But it does nothing against the more
common problems of, say, XSS vulnerabilities in some Javascript library
used for the web front end of the application.

It's hard to avoid the feeling that we have two choices with these sorts
of applications:

1. Lower our security standards and provide whatever the application
   developer provides, relying on them to re-vendor for security updates.
   This would probably mean not releasing these packages with stable
   releases or immediately adding them to the unsupported security list,
   unless we're going to significantly relax the normal security
   guarantees we provide.

2. Maintain our security standards, reject packages with large amounts of
   vendored software, and therefore, in practice, ask our users to
   separately install such software via whatever means the application
   developer provides.  Users who choose to do this won't be any more
   secure (they'll probably be somewhat less secure since those updates
   won't be hooked into their normal system update process), but at least
   they have to make a conscious choice to opt in to that behavior, and a
   Debian installation with pure Debian packages is relatively secure by

So far, we've defaulted in option 2, which means we're not packaging a lot
of very useful software.  But I don't think this is due to some obvious
error on our part.  The only practical alternative appears to be 1, and 1
is really not very appealing.  It does make things more convenient for our
users, but at a substantial cost to our security guarantees.

I suppose a possible third option would be a new archive that explicitly
has no security support, sort of similar conceptually to how we handle
non-free or contrib.  That would be a sort of compromise, but I'm not sure
it would make anyone happy.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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