Hello all,

I'm a prospective student for Debian's Google Summer of Code 2018 and I
am interested in working on a project that I think is important to
Debian but requires at least one more co-mentor to move forward. I've
asked around on a few more specific lists, but haven't heard anything
back, so I thought I would ask here.

GPG keys are a vital part of Debian's infrastructure but setting up a
new key is still very difficult for new contributors to do correctly.
Offline generation and storage is a best-practice, but there isn't
currently an easy way to complete this process. Many live cds like TAILS
can be manipulated for this purpose, but are not designed for it and
require quite a bit of space for what is otherwise a relatively small
amount of information.

I am looking to create an application for the PGP Clean Room Live CD
that walks a user through setting up a set of USB flash drives or sd
cards as a raid disk, generating new GPG keys, storing them there, and
then exporting subkeys either on a separate USB stick or a PGP smartcard
like a Yubikey. I'd also like to add the ability to do things like
revoke keys or extend expiration dates for them through the application.
You can see more of the ideas behind the project here:

Daniel Pocock has already agreed to be the primary mentor for this
project, but he will most likely be involved in at least one other GSoC
project and is an admin this year.

You can find the Mentor Guide here:
Someone with experience in python, especially python's GPGME bindings,
would be much appreciated. AFAIK you do not have to be a DD to be a


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