❦  1 mars 2018 11:59 +0530, Pirate Praveen <prav...@onenetbeyond.org> :

>> Does other ftp masters agree with this assessment of considering the
>> size of the package as the only criteria to accept or reject a package?
>> I don't agree with forcing other contributors to do extra, non standard,
>> hacks instead of following the standards were applicable.
>> node-three is the standard way for every node tools including webpack to
>> find this package. Having to replicate this structure for every
>> depending package is not acceptable.
>> I have not objected to every rejection, where it made sense I have
>> already embedded some modules (is-svg, unique-slug for example, and
>> switching to a embed first and package on second dependency approach in
>> general), but I don't agree with this case.
> It seems ftp masters are literally the masters with only a GR powerful
> enough to over turn their decisions. See
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=881339#55
> I do not think this is really in sync with the rest of debian
> philosophy. I think the following steps would improve the situation.
> 1. If a single ftp master is in disagreement, there should be a team
> decision (in previous cases of disagreement also, other team members did
> not get involved).
> 2. CTTE should be able to overrule a delegate when there is a conflict
> just like conflict between two debian developers.

In this specific case, can't you move the symlinks to nodejs-three
package instead?
Make the coupling between modules visible.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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