On Fri, 20 Apr 2018 15:07:56 +0900,
Andreas Tille wrote:
> So please all members of Natural Language Processing, Japanese team
> update the maintainer field to some working e-mail address where the
> name does not contain any ','.  The affected source packages are:
> udd=# select distinct source from sources where release = 'sid' and 
> maintainer like '%pkg-nlp-ja-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org%' ;
>       source      
> ------------------
>  chasen
>  darts
>  kakasi
>  mecab
>  mecab-jumandic
>  mecab-naist-jdic
>  naist-jdic
>  unidic-mecab
> (8 rows)

I'll take care of them. Thank you.

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