On Wed, 30 May 2018, Chris Lamb wrote:


> > I am not a kindergarten teacher. I will just stop answering mails here. 
> You must know I have the greatest of respect for the tireless work you
> have done and continue to do so as part of the migration from Alioth
> to salsa.
> You are actually not privy to the number of times I have mentioned
> this both internally and externally to the Project, including to those
> working at GitLab itself. Indeed, it is one of the real delights of
> being the Project Leader to be able to extoll and promote the work
> done by its developers.
> However, I cannot help feel that (at least appearing!) to be little
> more cordial in your communications over the past day or so would be
> more productive and actually reflect your actual personality better.
> I understand that you are only human and thus have finite amount of
> time and energy to exert on what you perceive to be trivial and
> obvious responses. But if you are human too, then so are your fellow
> developers who — like all homo sapiens — ask dumb questions at times,
> rely a little too much on others, tend to skim-read, etc. etc.
> If you would like specific examples (and my associated humbly-offered
> suggestions), I would be very happy to discuss that privately with you
> at your convenience.
You are completly right. Thats why I said I will stop answering questions
here. This will help me to come down.


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