Georges Khaznadar writes ("Re: Concerns to software freedom when packaging 
deep-learning based appications."):
> The question is, what are sources of Y? I presume that any sane judge
> would agree that in that case, sources are the set of materials and
> immaterials which allow one to rebuild consistently the object Y. Hence,
> the sources are:
> 1- the random matrix used to initialize the neural network
> 2- the training algorithm
> 3- the (big) data to feed the training process

I agree with these.

> 4- if no commercial machine exists at a "fair price", to train the
>    neural network in a reasonable amount of time, the publisher of Y
>    must lend a machine to fulfill the GPL requirements.

This is ... quite a novel theory.  I don't think anyone else would
agree with it, and certainly not anyone we ought to believe.


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