On 2018-07-26, Marc Dequènes <d...@duckcorp.org> wrote:
> I also like the idea of a single binary with subcommands, would be 
> easier than remembering all the commands.
> But as I said unless upstream does agree on something, we're not going 
> to maintain an alternate version.

Would it be sufficient small maintenance and still acceptable for
everyone if we did

 - install the current binaries into /usr/lib/woob
 - create a /usr/bin/woob command with subcommands
 - create a mappings file /usr/lib/woob/mappings
 - create a tool to help find unmapped tools and update the mappings

The woob command would then lookup the "original" name in the mappings
file and exec the correct one with remaining args.

This is probably fairly low maintenance once created, but it still has
the bad names on the file system, though hidden away out of path.

the user interface would then be 

| woob recipe ....


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