On Thursday, October 11 2018, Tommi Höynälänmaa wrote:

> Hi
> What is wrong with the following watch file:
> ---cut-here---
> version=4
> pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.sig/ http://www.iki.fi/tohoyn/theme-d/
> theme-d-gnome-(\d[\d.]*)\.tar\.(?:gz|bz2|xz)
> ---cut-here---
> It gives the following error message with uscan:
> ---cut-here---
> uscan warn: Filename pattern missing version delimiters () without
> filenamemangle
>   in debian/watch, skipping:
>   pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.sig/ http://www.iki.fi/tohoyn/theme-d/
> theme-d-gnome-(\d[\d.]*)\.tar\.(?:gz|bz2|xz)
> ---cut-here---

Complementing what Jonas said, you have a few more errors:

1) The "theme-d-gnome*" packages are not listed in
<http://www.iki.fi/tohoyn/theme-d/>.  Instead, they're at

2) Upstream uses "_" as the "NAME_VERSION" separator (instead of
"NAME-VERSION").  Your regex doesn't match that.  Also, you have to be
careful because upstream provides both "NAME_VERSION.tar.gz" and

3) Upstream doesn't seem to offer GPG signatures for the tarballs, so
you don't need "pgpsigurlmangle".

Having said all that, and using uscan v4's substitution strings:



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