Evilham, le lun. 15 oct. 2018 16:27:25 +0200, a ecrit:
> Where to now?
> At devuan-dev, Adam Sampson has suggested that the debian-bsd and
> debian-hurd communities are also very interested in keeping non-systemd
> things working,

Yes, but they aren't populated so much either, with already a lot of
things in their plate.

> which is why I'd hope this won't end up in non-systemd
> support being dropped, but that this thread becomes the distress call
> that the topic needed.
> If I had to guess, this requires some organisation first, and since it
> may require cross-communities organisation it may be somewhat tricky.

It's a matter of people subscribing to the
pkg-sysvinit-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org list and discussing there, I
don't see why anything heavier would be needed.


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