* Jonas Smedegaard: " Re: I resigned in 2004" (Sat, 10 Nov 2018 11:25:42 +0100):

> Quoting Mattia Rizzolo (2018-11-09 21:29:30)
> [a range of fine details snipped]
> > Good bye, and thank you for your contributions you made back then!  
> Thank you, Mattia.  I found above to be a decent and polite post when I 
> read it yesterday.
> Today after reading that other response I felt the need to share my 
> impression.
> Have a pleasant day,
>  - Jonas

Dear Mattia,

big thanks to you for your precious work in the MIA team, this conversation is
surely the unpleasant side of your task. Nothing more to add to Jonas' mail,
keep up your good work.



    Mathias Behrle
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