
Looks like the new rsync 3.1.3-1 was uploaded yesterday. Thank you all for the
work (and we may have a better rsync in Buster)!

Boyuan Yang

在 2018-12-24一的 09:14 +0100,Paul Slootman写道:
> Hi Samuel,
> (replying above the message as it's all quite relevant but I don't have
> anything specific to comment on)
> It's true that I have a lot less time nowadays than a couple of years
> ago to spend on Debian, unfortunately. This is becoming more and more
> obvious.
> Feel free to upload a new release with your changes. I'd like to still
> be to "official" maintainer, so I would like to review your stuff first.
> Thanks for your work!
> Paul
> On Sun 23 Dec 2018, Samuel Henrique wrote:
> > It got to my attention the rsync is a little behind our standards wrt to
> > packaging and it looks like the maintainer doesn't have time to deal with
> > that at the moment.
> > 
> > Basically what I want to do is to upload the new release (along with some
> > packaging fixes), adding new Uploaders while keeping the original
> > Maintainer, or maybe moving it to a team while also keeping the original
> > maintainer.
> > 
> > The few changes that I already made:
> >  - Package the last release (which fixes a good amount of bugs and
> > security
> > issues)
> >  - Create a git repo on Salsa and use git for packaging [0]
> >  - Fix d/watch in order to be able to use uscan to download new releases
> > 
> > Things that I would like to have fixed, either for Buster or later:
> >  - Use debhelper with quilt instead of a complex d/rules that manually
> > apply patches
> >  - Use autopkgtests
> >  - Bug triage
> > 
> > I understand that as I'm not familiar with the rsync packaging, some of
> > the
> > things may have been a explicit maintainer choice with a rational behind
> > it, and that could be either spotted by a more experienced Debian
> > Developer, explained by Paul, or discovered when changing it.
> > 
> > Here are the points which leads me to think the maintainer might need help
> > with rsync:
> >  - Last upload of rsync from maintainer was almost 2 years ago
> >  - Last upload of maintainer (any package) was in March 2017
> >  - There were two NMUs after that
> >  - There is an open bug (#906895) since January asking for packaging of
> > the
> > new release, without replies from maintainer[1]
> >  - A lot of open bugs, 74 as of now.
> > 
> > On a side note, I can see that there was recent (August 2018) email
> > activity from Paul, so hopefully he may reply something about this.
> > 
> > Overall, I can see that rsync is not a simple package to deal with, Paul
> > having made a great job for many years all by himself, I would like to
> > receive help with that so we all can ship a better rsync on Buster :)
> > 
> > The transition freeze is for 12th January of 2019, so we would need to
> > upload this new release asap, in order to account for time to fix any RC
> > bug that may show up before the new release enters Testing. We can also
> > pick which changes we want to ship for Buster and which ones we want to
> > upload to experimental because we don't wanna risk introducing bugs that
> > close to the freeze.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > [0]https://salsa.debian.org/debian/rsync
> > [1]https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=906895
> > 
> > 
> >  --
> > Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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