On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 11:31:57AM +0200, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
>  It's only derailing if you make it derailing, btw.  This effort is not
> there to separate.  It's meant to make it clear that the Debian project
> is a welcoming environment.  Always has been - and will stay one.

You are responding to a notorious well-known troll.  "Ivan Ivanow" is a
sock-puppet of fake mikeeusa, who tries to pretend to be a separate person.

The identities are:
* real mikeeusa: a barely literate misogynist, who once wrote a poorly made
  "slots" game and a few other pieces.  Hasn't been heard of in a while, and
  appears to hold genuine batshit crazy misogynist views.

* fake mikeeusa: a troll who pretends to be the former, but can be trivially
  distinguished from the former by language, type of arguments, etc.  Uses
  multiple accounts on *chan-related mail services, usually cock.li (which
  provides many domain names).  His modus operandi is jumping onto whatever
  the biggest ongoing flamewar is, writing an extreme statement that's just
  plausible enough to not be dismissed immediately, and repeatedly repeating
  it without addressing any criticism.  Such repeats used to be more varied
  in the past but he got lazy and just reposts the same thing over and over
  these days.  These posts serve mostly as a vessel to inject misogynist
  content, but they're very clearly a false flag operation meant to dirty
  whoever even partially agrees to the primary topic.  By the controversies
  being quite well researched, it's quite clear which side of Poe's law this
  person is on.

* "Ivan Ivanow" -- a sockpuppet of the previous, operating from a single
  gmail account, and almost always seen together with fakemikee.

And yeah, derailing _is_ the primary purpose.

> Linus is a good example here:  He only recently started to understood that
> his very rude and offensive way of addressing people actually *does* drive
> people away.

I disagree here: Linus is great because he's not afraid to call a spade a
spade.  And after an episode of the contrary and trying to be artificially
polite, he's mostly back to his old self.  I haven't seen him attacking any
reasonably acting person, he attacks _ideas_.

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