Ansgar Burchardt writes ("Re: Preferred git branch structure when upstream 
moves from tarballs to git"):
> On Tue, 2019-04-30 at 16:00 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> > As a package maintainer, if you don't keep the whole source package in
> > git, you're giving up on a lot of the power of git.
> I think keeping entry barriers low is more important than being able to
> use all the power of Git.  That's sadly one of the main problems with
> Dgit: it raises entry barriers by making packaging more complicated. 

A source-only upload with dgit is fewer commands, and more reliable,
than doing so with sbuild/dput.

Doing an NMU campaign with dgit is massively easier than doing so with
.dsc-based tools.

It is true that sometimes you can see errors from dgit about
discrepancies between your git tree and your source package, which you
do not notice if you only use gbp and dput.  What is happening there
is that you are uploading a different thing to what you have in git,
and not noticing.

We don't tell people to not use lintian because it produces error
messages, do we ?


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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