On Sat, 2019-05-11 at 12:08:05 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> John Goerzen writes ("Re: .deb format: let's use 0.939, zstd, drop bzip2"):
> > Plus, of course, when discussing tar, there is always the "which tar
> > format do you mean?" question.
> > 
> > https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/libarchive-dev/tar.5.en.html

This should be documented already in deb(5), if it is not clear or you
feel it lacks detail I'd be glad to improve it.

> > I should note that dpkg does have a maximum file size limit that's
> > rather lower than the ar limit, due to its interpretation of tar
> > headers.  I believe I filed a bug on this but I'm not able to find it
> > right now, unfortunately.

Nope. This was already mentioned in this thread. dpkg-deb's tar
implementation has no practical limits anymore since 1.18.24 (#850834),
also documented in deb(5).

> IDK if dpkg is still using this but back in the dqy, when I needed
> dpkg to handle each file in a tarball individually, I found a tar
> parsing library under a rock somewhere.  It wasn't a bad one but I'm
> sure it could be improved...

The tar extraction code has seen substantial rework since its
introduction. I'd also probably say it's pretty robust compared to
many of its alternatives.


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