In our code of conduct we all made a commitment to start by assuming
good faith of of our community.
I'd like to remind us all to do that.

Ian, the zfs maintainers have definitely been working in good faith.
There was an unblock request filed May 9 attempting to address this

If you had been following debain-release you would have known that it
was unlikely to be approved.
And in fact it was not approved.

However, it's in line with a number of other unblock requests that we'd
all agree were submitted in good (if perhaps wishful) faith by people
trying to value their packages.

I'm not happy with the tone of the message from the zfs maintainers to
the kernel team.
But no, the zfs maintainers have been struggling to address this as best
they are able, and they have been public with their comments in the
right fora throughout the process.
There has been no hiding here.

There's a lot of frustration.

I could wish for better communication.

I could wish for a lot of things.  For example, I could wish that Oracle
would license zfs under the GPL and make a lot of us happier about the
whole thing.

Please have some respect and work with people who are trying to make
Debian great in the ways that matter to them.  Whether that's
protectingcopyleft, the stability of our releases, or the needs of our
users hoping for the latest and fastest features.

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