On Wed, Jun 05, 2019 at 10:14:50AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Norbert" == Norbert Preining <prein...@logic.at> writes:
>     Norbert> I would propose something else: Debian rights are defined
>     Norbert> by presence/absence of a GPG key in certain key rings. This
>     Norbert> should be completely independent from what one can do on
>     Norbert> salsa.  So I propose that whatever one's level within
>     Norbert> Debian is, it should not change the status on salsa.
> Well, developers are also granted rights in the debian group on salsa,
> and that is tied to whether you are currently a developer.

I fully agree with Norbert.  You might argue that a developer who was
removed from the keyring could write a script and do some harm on all
git repositories in the debian group to take some "revenge" for becoming
expelled.  I see no practival relevance for such a scenario.  As far as
I understood Norberts case it was not intended to block him from
contributing - but removing his permissions on salsa made it very hard
for him to contribute.

I do not have any idea whether there is an easy technical implementation
for Norberts suggestion but I'm in favour of it.

Kind regards



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