On Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 10:13:01AM +1200, Daniel Reurich wrote:
> > There isn't enough information in the packaging and upstream branches
> > of a typical git workflow to reconstitute a precisely matching .orig
> > tarball: you have to either obtain .orig tarballs out-of-band, or use
> > pristine-tar to encode the parts of the tarball that can't be reproduced
> > from the git tree.
> Really?  I honestly hadn't noticed, but I will out of interest compare
> between what's in our archives and yours.

Definitely.  You can even try to set

    pristine-tar = False

in your ~/.gbp.conf if you want to make sure to get a tarball with wrong
size and md5sum.  I've done this accidentally and it reproducibly produced
different tarball than the previously uploaded package.

Kind regards



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