Dear all,

TL;DR: please give your constructive feedback on the buster release
period, see the last paragraph.

As the most recent member of the release team [1], I thought it could be
a useful exercise to reflect on the release process and share it with you.

As such a reflection goes, it should start with the good things. We've
announced the freeze timeline well in advance, like the previous
release. Most people seem to have been aware (however, more on that
below). Although it may not be visible to most, this release cycle has
seen much code improvements of the migration software (britney). One of
those improvement has been the integration of autopkgtest results. Even
with some minor issues still open, the introduction of that has been a

For the lesser things, let's start with the most striking observation:
freezing Debian sucks. One of the unintended results is a major slow
down of activity for most Debian developers, while at the same time it
creates a lot of busy work for the release team in the form of unblock
requests. However, seeing how much last minute changes were uploaded
around every deadline, with a significant portion not release quality, I
also think that freezing is needed to be able to release quality. In my
opinion, we all should work harder to shorten the time after the full
freeze, it doesn't need to be so long.

Apparently our biggest challenge is communication. The following points
mostly boil down to it.

One of the things that struck me most is that it seems that a
significant portion of our community isn't aware of the freeze, doesn't
know the (high level content of the) freeze policy or doesn't care about
releasing. Some uploads to unstable during the freeze were disturbing.
This was mostly because they caused (build-)depending packages to be
blocked while those needed to go into buster. This was because their
changes weren't in line with the freeze policy, so they couldn't be
unblocked. This required unnecessary extra work to get these depending
packages into buster via testing-proposed-updates, which we want to
avoid as much as possible due to its drawbacks.

We aren't so good in handling unblock requests that are not in line with
the freeze policy and require much review work to see if an exception is
appropriate. They typically linger without reply in the hope that
somebody else takes care of it. We got quite a few unblock request that
weren't really appropriate but it's hard to turn people down. And people
try, I understand that, but it doesn't make the process nicer for both
sides of the bug. On top of that, investigating such cases means that
time is taken away from cases that are fully freeze policy compliant, so
those will have a delayed response. That isn't a good experience for
maintainers that do follow the rules of the freeze policy.

Only very late in the release we realized that the golang situation was
so bad that it needed a resolution before the release. Although the
situation isn't pretty for stable release managers, it's worse for the
security archive. It took a while before the release team, the security
team and the golang community in Debian where enough aligned. The
situation is not OK now (no security support), but we agreed to release
buster with the golang ecosystem with the understanding that the
situation needs to be fixed early in the bullseye cycle by those
involved, or it will be removed from testing.

The issues above caused the freeze to take longer than it should have IMHO.

So, now you've seen how I have perceived the freeze, do you have
anything to add? We're looking for concrete notes and observations that
we can use when we think about how to improve the bullseye release. We
are currently not looking for ideas that overhaul the process (there is for that). We also like to
prevent big discussions on d-d@l.d.o (as we fear they will drain to much
of our energy), so I've set the reply-to of this mail to the release
team's e-mail list. All constructive feedback and feedforward is
welcome; short ones are preferred.


[1] A note on that: the release team needs help. If you want to help,
consider joining.

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