Hi all,

On 22.07.19 12:38, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:
> COOS:   just yet another special purpose distro, in that case for
>         docker hosts. neither the first, nor the last one to come.
> Yocto:  just yet another compile-yourself distro, focused on embeedded,
>         that happens to be hyped by certain corporations.
>         (for small/embedded devices, I'd really recommend ptxdist).
> Alpine: yet another distro, optimized for running in small containers

Just a shame it seems the default for everyone and their cat to use it
as a base image.

Recent article re Python container images:

> Containerization is a valid approach for some kind of workloads
> (eg. specific inhouse applications) that can be easily isolated from
> the rest. But it comes with the price of huge redundancies (depending
> on how huge some application stacks are). And unless everybody wants
> to go back of maintaining everything on his own, we still need distros.
> If different applications need to deeply interact (eg. various plugin
> stuff, applications calling each other, etc), containerization doesn't
> help much. (eg: how can you have a pure texlive in one container and
> extra things like fonts, document classes, etc, in separate ones ? :o)
> The whole point about containerization isn't about packaging and
> deployment of individual applications - instead it's about automatizing
> the rollout of fully-configured installations.

Good points!


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