On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 07:55:15PM +0000, Tiago Tarifa Munhoz wrote:
> Hi guys!
> Forgive me for any mistake in English.
> I have only 2 questions:
> 1- Why does libxmlsec1.so not have these built-in functions in Debian?
> xmlSecCryptoDLLoadLibrary, xmlSecCryptoAppInit, xmlSecCryptoInit, 
> xmlSecCryptoShutdown, xmlSecCryptoAppShutdown, xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoadMemory, 
> xmlSecCryptoShutdown, xmlSecCryptoAppShutdown, xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoadMemory, 
> xmlSecCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrInit, xmlSecCryptoAppKeysMngrCertLoadMemory, 
> xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoadMemory
>   If I compile from Debian source code or use another Gnu / Linux like Gentoo 
> or OpenSuSE, these functions are there.
> 2- Is Debian interested in adding these functions someday?
Please read the package description and look at libxmlsec1-openssl and
related packages.


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