
In my latest bits from the DPL, I said that I was going to start a
couple of consensus-forming discussions on debian-devel surrounding Git
and packaging.  These will run similarly to the Debhelper/Dh discussion.
The issues are more complicated, and so I want to spread things out a

In this message I want to cover a few things that I think are

If you disagree with any of the following, please reply.

BTS for Patches

Regardless of anything they are doing with Git, maintainers of a package
are expected to process patches sent to the BTS.  You cannot respond to
a patch telling someone they need to file a merge request to have it
Today, the BTS is still very much an appropriate way to propose changes
to a Debian package.

Unmonitored Merge Requests Harmful

If you're going to set up a repository for Debian packaging on Salsa,
you need to either:

1) turn off merge requests


2) Monitor them and process them.

I don't want to get into how frequently you look at merge requests just
as I don't want to get into how responsive you need to be to the BTS.
But I hope we can agree that if you're going to have merge requests
enabled that they cannot go into a black hole.

I think the question of whether people should use merge requests is more
complex.  Sean pointed out some reasons why we might prefer the BTS.
And yet it's clear that many people do find merge requests useful.

VCS Packaging Info

If you have a public repo then you should use vcs-git and vcs-browser.
I'm reasonably sure this is even already well documented.

Thanks for your consideration,


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