On Fri, 16 Aug 2019, gregor herrmann wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Aug 2019 08:39:22 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > Alexander Wirt writes ("Re: salsa.debian.org partially down"):
> > > It is already recovered. We will investigate where we can extend the
> > > ressources. But some misusages (like requesting >1300 merge requests via 
> > > API
> > > on a big project, that in consequence run >1300 ci jobs, that...) can't be
> > > solved regardless on how many resources we add. 
> > Thanks for the reports from you and Bastian.  Thanks also for having
> > the energy and effort to deal with this kind of thing.  It's annoying
> > when a thing you're responsible for breaks because of foolish user
> > action, and then you have to scramble to fix it.
> From what I know, this what not a "foolish user action" but an action
> by a dedicated maintainer who enabled salsa-ci for all packages
> ("projects") of a specific team; so they used a service advertised by
> the salsa and salsa-ci teams. That this service doesn't work as
> advertised or at least doesn't work for the amount of packages a
> medium-sized team might have is deplorable and needs some action but
> I don't see any reason for calling this action itself foolish.

All our services have somewhat limited ressources and need to work for all
developers. To be honest: I do expect from everyone, using any of our
(debian) services, to think before doing things like that. Be it sending a
few thousand mails to our mailing lists, creating a few thousand jobs on
salsa, uploading a few thousand packages, creating a few thousand bugs. 


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