On Wed, 14 Aug 2019, Sam Hartman wrote:
> Regardless of anything they are doing with Git, maintainers of a package
> are expected to process patches sent to the BTS.


> You cannot respond to a patch telling someone they need to file a merge
> request to have it considered.

I would not hesitate to suggest it however... it would give me immediate
feedback on whether the package still compiles, on whether the testsuite still
passes, etc.

That in turn means that I'm more likely to process said patch in a timely

> Unmonitored Merge Requests Harmful
> ==================================


> VCS Packaging Info
> ==================
> If you have a public repo then you should use vcs-git and vcs-browser.
> I'm reasonably sure this is even already well documented.


Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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