On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:52:01 -0400
Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org> wrote:

> And as Sean pointed out, it's hard to understand the history of the
> changes and comments after they hppened.  What happens when I'm trying
> to review a MR three years later and the MR was rebased 4 times during
> the lifetime of the MR prior to merge.
> You may not care about that, but others do.
> That's why there are interesting trade offs to balance.
> --Sam

To be honest, i find it hard even to read my own code after one, three,
ten or god beware 30 years - have done so several times. Ok - i had no
problem with the 30 y.o. things and pull requests - there was no SCM

Alf Gaida
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