On Tuesday, August 27, 2019 8:04:06 PM EDT Russ Allbery wrote:
> Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com> writes:
> > As an example, I recall concerns about there not being an uploader
> > signature on the source anymore, so we would lose the ability to verify
> > from the archive who was responsible for the upload.
> Does anyone do this?  Does it work today?
> I'm dubious that you would be able to successfully verify all of the
> archive from *.dsc signatures now.  Maybe you would be able to verify the
> pieces that are the most important to you, though?
> I think this requirement is a bit incomplete, in that I don't understand
> the use case that would lead you to want to do this.  It's more of a
> description of an implementation strategy than a use case, which makes it
> hard to find other ways of accomplishing the same use case.

I sometimes use who-uploads from devscripts when I want to find out who 
actually did an upload.  In theory, it could be re-written to support 

I also check that the signature validates when I download a package from the 
archive.  I like the fact that this signature connects to a developer key in 
the keyring.

That said, I'm not the one who suggested losing this would be a problem in the 
previous thread, so I can't say what they were thinking.  I just don't think 
the threat assessment is a serious response to what people were suggesting.  
It would be a mistake to assume silence is concurrence.

I may be wrong, but I think Ian's made up his mind what he wants to do, so 
there's not a lot of point in convincing him otherwise.

Scott K

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