Sean Whitton <> writes:
> On Sun 08 Sep 2019 at 05:35PM -04, Sam Hartman wrote:

>> You are encouraged to mirror your repository to Salsa so that people can
>> find more of the Debian packaging in one place.

> Hmm, if the Vcs-* are set correctly, what's the value of mirroring to
> salsa?  (I don't object in the least; just wondering about the value.)

Higher chance that the repository won't go away.  For instance, the
primary home of all of my packaging repositories is on my own Git server
and will continue to be because I like to have my own personal control
over such things, but it's in the project's best interest for me to mirror
them to Salsa so that if I suddenly make millions of dollars and decide I
just want to read books and stop running online services, the repositories
don't become inaccessible.

(Of course, I upload all of my stuff with dgit, so even in that case not
everything would be lost, but Salsa would preserve unreleased work,
branches that weren't uploaded with dgit, and so forth.)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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