On Sat, 2019-12-21 at 08:42 -0800, Joshua Hudson wrote:

> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=861053

I think it would be appropriate to add some more information to this
bug to make it easier to understand and take action on.

These bits of information would help:

The output of both these two commands:

sudo /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig -o /root/grub.cfg
sudo sh -x /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig -o /root/grub.cfg

The generated grub config file.

> I have less resources than Joachim Wiedorn , but it looks like
> maintaining lilo is very little work. The upstream source (same
> person) had its last release in 2015.

Since Joachim is also the upstream maintainer of lilo, it would be a
good idea for someone to take over maintaining it upstream too if it is
to continue being available for use in Debian.



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