
Salsa is a pretty complex beast.  As such it got errors.  And especially
user visible errors.  To manage and correlate information about such
errors it supports Sentry, which is the de-facto standard to do that
work.  Sure, the same information can be read from the log, but this is
not really usable.

I don't think we already have a Sentry instance for Debian services
running?  Are there other services in need for a Sentry instance?

I looked at the install documentation[1] and it tells me that I don't
want to run Sentry myself.  Any takers?

Another option may be using the hosted solution, which they give away
gratis to open source projects, which we might be.[2]

[1]: https://docs.sentry.io/server/installation/
[2]: https://sentry.io/for/open-source/
If there are self-made purgatories, then we all have to live in them.
                -- Spock, "This Side of Paradise", stardate 3417.7

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