
some time ago I uploaded a new version of dballe, which went through NEW
because of a change in binary package names (SONAME bump, IIRC). It took
two weeks to go through NEW and I turned my energy towards other things
since then.

Now I see that things got stuck for the transition to testing, and I'm
asking for help figuring out what to do.

I have this:

> This package is part of the ongoing testing transition known as
> python3.8. Please avoid uploads unrelated to this transition, they
> would likely delay it and require supplementary work from the release
> managers. On the other hand, if your package has problems preventing
> it to migrate to testing, please fix them as soon as possible. You can
> probably find supplementary information in the debian-release archives
> or in the corresponding release.debian.org bug.

And I have this:

> Not built on buildd: arch all binaries uploaded by enrico, a new
> source-only upload is needed to allow migration

I was asked to do a binary upload to go through NEW, and now I'm asked
to do a source only upload to go to testing. There are surely good
reasons for that, and I wish there weren't.

I don't really have a new version to upload, but I suppose I need to at
least bump the debian version with no other changes in the package for
it to be accepted.

Then, if I did that, would I be helping the python3.8 transition by
enabling a migration to testing, or getting in the way by delaying the
transition and requiring supplementary work from the release managers?

I feel a bit caught in a bureaucratic corner. Please help me with some
directions to get out of that.


GPG key: 4096R/634F4BD1E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enr...@enricozini.org>

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