Quoting Sam Hartman (2020-01-17 09:45:43)
> >>>>> "Paul" == Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> writes:
>     Paul> On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 4:11 PM Wouter Verhelst wrote:
>     >> You'll make it unnecessarily harder to bootstrap environments that need
>     >> themselves to build if you do that.
>     Paul> The idea here is that bootstrap builds are special and so they 
> should
>     Paul> be very explicit rather than happen as a side effect of regular 
> upload
>     Paul> workflows. Since they are relatively rare, making them explicit via
>     Paul> this mechanism shouldn't be too much of an imposition and on balance
>     Paul> might be the right way to go.
> Bootstrap uploads of compilers etc are actually more common than I
> thought before I started following debian-release.
> They are common enough that requiring interactions from ftpmaster and/or
> release team would make being a developer of such packages suck
> significantly more.
> If we throw away binaries by default, I do believe we need a mechanism for
> maintainers to signal that this is a bootstrap upload.

or have a mechanism that allows maintainers to tell buildds "please build this
source package with build profiles X and Y enabled". That would then build the
binary packages necessary to do a full build in a second upload.

In an even better world, dak would figure out itself, that a source package
first has to be built with build profiles X and Y and then schedule a full
build afterwards.


cheers, josch

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